Wouldn’t you Love to be Proud of your

Business’s Culture?  

Maybe you already know that “soft-skills” are the very foundation of a successful business;

But how would you know if your company is suffering from cultural depression? 

Are you taking action to protect your ROI by preventing the loss of customers and employees?  

Your company might have cultural depression if:

  1. You have a lot of employee drama and turnover

  2. Customers don’t look forward to engaging with your employees

  3. Teams tend to slow-down work instead of expediting innovation

  4. Mistakes are common and costly (but not spoken of)

  5. Talented millennials and women don’t really like working for you

  6. Employees seem unable to effectively lead themselves and/or teams of their own 

  7. People worry about their impression on the “boss” more than their customer’s satisfaction

  8. Apathy has become too normal

  9. Employees feel overwhelmed (but leadership feels they are “bad, stupid or lazy”)

  10. Most people seem to be planning for their next job

  11. People are afraid to speak-up, ask questions, make suggestions, and get help

  12. Anxiety, depression or adrenal fatigue is common

  13. Your employee turnover is high, sick day numbers are high and/or engagement is low

  14. You have “accidental culture”; you never engineered intentional culture norms tailored to your business needs and the modern innovation age

If your employees don’t like working for you, your customers won’t like engaging with you either.

No 21st century organization can afford to have a culture of fear and depression!

Today, work is driven by ideas and ingenuity; both of which come from highly functioning, collaborating teams.

No team? No way your business will keep up with others in this fast paced age.

So, what makes the best teams? 

Research shows that a psychologically safe culture is by far and away the most important of all factors!

Fear atmospheres inhibit learning and cooperation in the brain. 

Hiring smart, motivated people is not enough. They have to be able to work well together.   

“Psychological safety is the belief that the work environment is safe for interpersonal risk taking. It is the feeling of being able to speak up with relevant ideas, questions or concerns. Psychological safety is present when colleagues trust and respect each other and feel able – even obligated – to be candid.”

-Amy Edmonson in The Fearless Organization

Effective and healthy culture comes from leaders who have purposefully set up intelligent people systems and have promoted smart relationship skills through cultural guidelines and leadership training.  

A good team can innovate and assure quality 10x more than an individual.  

Teams must be more afraid of failing a customer than looking bad in front of colleagues. 

Effective culture starts with people at the top who decide to take the reins and create purposeful culture.

And effective leaders know that bringing in a third-party to help see ambiguous blind-spots is a courageous and brilliant thing to do. 

So, what do you get from creating intentional culture? 

  • Employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention (a.k.a. you save lots of money)

  • Staff learns to focus on shared goals instead of self-protection

  • Greater learning and performance

  • Less health issues, reduced emotional labor, and even lower mortality rates

  • Mutual respect and much more collaboration and creation

  • Customer attraction and retention: customers can feel your culture too. 

  • Attract talented millennial, women and other people of diverse backgrounds

  • Boost ROI!

  • And last but not least, as an Owner or CEO:

    • Create the freedom to be your visionary genius and expand your company instead of wasting time on HR issues.

      • In case you are a skeptic, here are some science-based articles that explain the financial and personal importance of engineering your purposeful culture:


Our work is especially loved by the new generations! They want authentic connection. They want to be seen, understood and included. They want to feel the power and efficiency of a no B.S. team that knows how to collaborate and hold each other accountable. They are motivated by psychological agency.


What do we do? We are Culture Engineers.

We offer interpersonal systems diagnostics, culture engineering, and relational leadership skills education to engineer your culture into the modern era.

The Work

Option 1: Deep Dive

Culture Engineering starts with accurate diagnostics. “Problems” are when expectations and reality do not meet. Here we will diagnose the sources of your problems and the health of your company culture including individuals, interpersonal systems and systemic operations. Includes intricate personality/talent assessments and gathering data around employee and customer satisfaction, interpersonal systems efficacy, general systems efficacy, and intricate goal setting for all leadership. Diagnostics inform how we decide to take action to address the heart of “problems”.  

Option 2: Consulting and Coaching for Culture Engineering

Culture and Systems Consulting. Ongoing support for the C-suite team and middle management with diagnostic deep-dive, experimental design, coaching sessions for integration and data analysis. A mix of culture engineering (people systems analysis) and interpersonal coaching between individuals that need support.

Option 3: Interpersonal Leadership Training

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Immerse yourself and your staff until there's no going back. Accelerate your culture's growth towards a revolutionary diversity welcoming and collaborative culture.  

Leadership will understand how a unique style of communication can promote a culture that welcomes diversity and collaboration by preventing unconscious biases and unresolvable conflict. Together we will explore misconceptions around diversity, practice some self-expression and effective listening skills, and learn some simple communication tools for immediate use." 

Customized for each company’s needs and desires.


More Details About What You and Your Team Will Learn

  • Understand how employee retention, satisfaction, and production are bolstered in relationship-oriented communication environments.

  • Understand how to set up people systems that are conducive to welcoming healthy relationships and motivation of individuals.

  • Understand your “Talentism” diagnostics for your whole team so that you know how to work together and know what roles are best for each individual to achieve their most. (Talentism is a style of executive coaching that does extensive personality testing that includes left and right brain)

  • Understand and experience how communication style promotes a culture that welcomes diversity by preventing unconscious bias and unresolvable conflict.

  • Managers are the main source of employee dissatisfaction and turnover: Train your managers to become experts at understanding, teaching, and motivating employees.

  • Promote and utilize safe, innovative and collaborative styles of behavior.

  • Cultivate super-effective listening skills that prevent misunderstanding.

  • Begin to uncover personal blind-spots around culture structures, diversity and communication.

  • Explore how "equality" is very different from "uniformity".

  • Experience how changing one's communication also shifts one's thinking patterns.

  • Learn self-expression skills that foster healthy conflict resolution.

  • How to set up systems that create the best connection and the least room for error.

  • Identify business blind-spots that might be creating misunderstandings, projections and irritation for your customers and employees.

Our Philosophy and More Results

  • Modern leadership that is interpersonal in nature is your ticket to success for the modern age. “They” say that having a combination of Tech and Empathy skills is the most valued skill set for 2020 and beyond. You will learn a form of leadership with us that is not being taught anywhere else in business, and yet it is backed by research from Harvard University. We had the tools before they had the research! Our skillsets come from couples counseling techniques, yoga, meditation, authentic relating, non-violent communication, conflict prevention polarity management, Talentism executive coaching and tons of research about what works best for the up and coming generations at work. You are getting a unique product that works and is even fun!

  • Together we will learn how to create a diversity welcoming culture that doesn’t just preach “right action”, but actually addresses the heart of the issue by teaching people how to see and understand each other without losing their own perspectives. You’ll be able to keep and attract talented people because they will want to work with you. 

  • Learn powerful, new communication techniques and create cultural agreements in order to face conflict while empowering relationships, instead of undermining them. With these techniques, you will not need to rely on HR as your protection, but instead will be equipped to prevent conflict as well as understand how to use conflict as a major opportunity for growth and improvement. Everyone will feel more understood, not less.

  • Rewarding relationships at work keep people coming back to their team for the long-term when times get tough. Understand how to create trust and safety and to welcome honesty in order to find out what is behind your employee dissatisfaction. Then learn team-building tools in order to create a strongly bonded and long-term, productive culture.

  • Maybe you've heard the statistics that start-up companies with women in higher-up leadership roles tend to be more successful for longer than other companies. Find-out the real reasons why women aren’t rising beyond the glass ceiling, beyond just the usual theories around family and time-commitment. Learn how to reverse this dynamic by creating a system that welcomes feminine leadership and therefore cultivates more female leaders to inspire others.

  • Maybe you already know that genuine buy-in and motivation towards company goals and vision is essential for progress.  Learn communication tools to enroll your team into your vision while also welcoming what drives them individually.

  • Welcoming emotion at work is important for employee mental health, retention, and happiness. Together we will learn self expression and effective listening skills that promote emotional intelligence and dissolve unconscious bias while still keeping and environment of rationality and productivity.

Or, if you prefer, just message me here: 
